Totals Logged
Frags Kills Deaths Suicides Matches Game Hours Player Time
448696 486466 487355 37770 10563 2817h 02m 6171h 15m

Total Matches Played by Type
Game (Type) Number Game Hours Player Time
Deathmatch 6949 2089h 27m 4551h 58m
Capture the Flag 66 8h 45m 17h 33m
Team Deathmatch 1287 375h 43m 1151h 23m
Vehicle CTF 139 34h 56m 43h 50m
Warfare 8 2h 57m 5h 03m
Duel 324 48h 20m 85h 20m
Betrayal 11 3h 30m 8h 33m
Greed 6 1h 53m 3h 03m
BattleTeamArena 921 162h 36m 186h 00m
BattleFreezetagArena 190 33h 49m 43h 46m
BattleInstagibArena 239 26h 58m 34h 05m
BattleInstaFreezeArena 83 11h 01m 15h 26m
AssaultGame 5 1h 23m 1h 45m
LastManStanding 1 8m 48s 13m 35s
Totals 10229 2801h 34m 6148h 04m

Career Highs
Category Player Score Matches Time
Most Frags witslipytsli 97697 4230 939h 08m
Most Kills witslipytsli 99709 4230 939h 08m
Most Deaths witslipytsli 24219 4230 939h 08m
Most Suicides witslipytsli 2013 4231 939h 08m
Most Wins witslipytsli 2154 4230 939h 08m
Most Team Wins witslipytsli 559 4224 938h 05m
Highest FPH witslipytsli 482.1 5 1h 04m
Most First Blood witslipytsli 1540 4226 938h 20m

Most Special Events
Category Player Score Matches Time
Jackhammer ^ * 26 114 20h 00m
Gunslinger   4 28 9h 02m
Bio Hazard X0TTAB 30 1041 246h 22m
Combo King   184 3856 895h 42m
Shaftmaster poebot 9 4749 617h 50m
Blue Streak X0TTAB 32 758 188h 28m
Flak Master Dr.STOP-ka 43 745 174h 53m
Rocket Scientist poebot 205 4905 639h 52m
Headhunter venom56 15 1164 282h 10m
Big Game Hunter   0 0 0m 00s
Road Kill   0 0 0m 00s
Road Rampage   0 0 0m 00s
Telefrag   0 0 0m 00s
Headshot   0 0 0m 00s
Eagle Eye   0 0 0m 00s
Bullseye   0 0 0m 00s
Top Gun   0 0 0m 00s
Pancake poebot 3 4890 637h 17m
Hijacked   0 0 0m 00s
Juggernaut   0 0 0m 00s
Hat Trick   0 0 0m 00s
Denied   0 0 0m 00s
Assassin   0 0 0m 00s
Payback   0 0 0m 00s
Rejected   0 0 0m 00s
Multi Kills
Category Player Score Matches Time
Most Double Kills witslipytsli 4435 4230 939h 08m
Most Multi Kills witslipytsli 411 4230 939h 08m
Most Mega Kills witslipytsli 54 4178 931h 22m
Most Ultra Kills witslipytsli 18 4178 931h 22m
Most Monster Kills witslipytsli 15 3840 894h 12m
Most Ludicrous Kills   0 0 0m 00s
Most Holy Shit Kills   0 0 0m 00s

Killing Sprees
Category Player Score Matches Time
Most Killing Sprees witslipytsli 2574 4230 939h 08m
Most Rampages witslipytsli 905 4229 938h 49m
Most Dominating witslipytsli 430 4195 933h 32m
Most Unstoppable witslipytsli 229 4191 932h 42m
Most Godlike witslipytsli 174 4178 931h 22m
Most Wicked Sick witslipytsli 644 4226 938h 20m

Game Type Specific
Category Player Score Matches Time
Most Flag Captures nwros35 2960 283 50h 14m
Most Flag Returns nwros35 2254 283 50h 14m
Most Flag Kills nwros35 2482 283 50h 14m
Most Control Point Captures   0 0 0m 00s
Most Bombs Delivered (Carried)   0 0 0m 00s
Most Bombs Delivered (Tossed)   0 0 0m 00s
Most Bomb Kills   0 0 0m 00s
Most Nodes Constructed   0 0 0m 00s
Most Nodes Destroyed   0 0 0m 00s
Most Constructing Nodes Destroyed   0 0 0m 00s

Most Career Kills with a Weapon
Weapon Player Kills Matches Time
Shock Rifle witslipytsli 49116 4226 938h 20m
Sniper Rifle witslipytsli 14217 4226 938h 20m
Rocket Launcher witslipytsli 13173 289 51h 13m
Flak Cannon witslipytsli 8038 289 51h 13m
Stinger Minigun witslipytsli 4281 289 51h 13m
Bio Rifle witslipytsli 4267 1098 269h 28m
Impact Hammer witslipytsli 1865 4213 936h 02m
Dual Enforcers witslipytsli 1651 20 3h 29m
Enforcer witslipytsli 1415 289 51h 13m
Link Gun witslipytsli 682 4206 934h 44m
InstaGibbed venom56 253 5 58m 14s
Grenade preddy6 196 54 12h 51m
Spider Mine witslipytsli 169 1262 346h 43m
Fell witslipytsli 133 717 59h 16m
Slimed witslipytsli 106 4180 931h 23m
Dark Walker KASPER91 85 71 16h 27m
Crushed witslipytsli 59 29 6h 12m
Goliath Alice Cooper 51 60 14h 56m
Avril venom56 38 254 43h 07m
Raptor danut78 36 3268 406h 32m
Scorpion Maximus_G-Wr 32 689 56h 49m
Laser Turret COVID-20 24 94 30h 12m
Ran Over nwros35 22 918 78h 34m
Suicided witslipytsli 12 4213 936h 02m
Redeemer witslipytsli 12 4221 937h 21m
Space Death REREE1ER 10 8 2h 06m
Encroached H.I.M. 7 127 15h 44m
Fury Z.Z.TOP 6 66 16h 22m
Cicada Dr.STOP-ka 6 250 62h 01m
Paladin XBEAST6 5 71 7h 42m
Vehicle Explosion nwros35 4 264 45h 16m
Manta Ziknar 3 9 2h 41m
UTDmgType_LinkGenerator BAD-MULE 3 27 3h 03m
Hell Bender XBEAST6 3 71 7h 42m
Vehicle Shock Turret XBEAST6 3 71 7h 42m
Translocator venom56 3 281 88h 06m
Pancaked IIGh0stf4ceII 2 9 2h 41m
Fell Into Lava venom56 2 12 2h 44m
Nemisis alex333one 2 56 5h 42m
Scavenger -=[::::::::> 1 16 2h 55m
Goliath Machine Gun ^ * 1 42 9h 09m
Viper Very_Try_Hard 1 66 16h 22m
Telefrag venom56 1 281 88h 06m
Machine Gun Turret danut78 1 1299 185h 37m
Fire TheRealBrianB 1 1736 226h 26m
Shaped Charge TheRealBrianB 1 1775 230h 18m

Most Career Deaths by a Weapon
Weapon Player Deaths Matches Time
Rocket Launcher witslipytsli 6525 289 51h 13m
Shock Rifle witslipytsli 5723 289 51h 13m
Flak Cannon witslipytsli 3255 289 51h 13m
Sniper Rifle venom56 2137 254 43h 07m
Bio Rifle witslipytsli 1794 289 51h 13m
Stinger Minigun witslipytsli 1501 4207 934h 50m
Link Gun witslipytsli 1146 1098 269h 28m
Enforcer venom56 467 1170 283h 15m
InstaGibbed lyzwa01 238 8 2h 06m
Impact Hammer DragON.S 181 5 54m 26s
Dual Enforcers paff 167 317 35h 19m
Fell witslipytsli 100 717 59h 16m
Grenade witslipytsli 99 977 233h 52m
Dark Walker PaRaZIT2020 53 71 16h 27m
Slimed venom56 39 1154 280h 18m
Unknown Weapon witslipytsli 35 78 14h 17m
Raptor DarkAngel78 26 3268 406h 32m
Avril Very_Try_Hard 20 66 16h 22m
Spider Mine Very_Try_Hard 20 984 250h 40m
Goliath zloi 17 5 58m 56s
Ran Over TheRealBrianB 16 2332 294h 50m
Encroached venom56 14 12 2h 44m
Scorpion Alice Cooper 14 4558 583h 29m
Suicided DragON.S 13 63 15h 20m
Laser Turret lamak 12 709 167h 09m
Manta roodrogs 11 26 4h 45m
Space Death DarkAngel78 10 3268 406h 32m
Crushed X0TTAB 8 415 104h 27m
Fury Very_Try_Hard 6 66 16h 22m
Redeemer paaf 6 1118 273h 32m
Paladin witslipytsli 4 71 7h 42m
Cicada DarkAngel78 4 1299 185h 37m
Viper Z.Z.TOP 4 2248 288h 20m
Leviathan Pritchenko 3 7 16m 24s
Hell Bender witslipytsli 3 71 7h 42m
Vehicle Shock Turret witslipytsli 3 71 7h 42m
Machine Gun Turret Alice Cooper 2 19 2h 55m
Nemisis wqew 2 56 5h 42m
Translocator arpo 2 281 88h 06m
Vehicle Explosion venom56 2 885 230h 54m
Pancaked TheRealBrianB 2 1775 230h 18m
Fell Into Lava venom56 1 12 2h 59m
Scavenger thisisme 1 16 2h 55m
Goliath Machine Gun EBOSOS ORKA 1 42 9h 09m
Rocket Turret DarkAngel78 1 46 15h 09m
Telefrag arpo 1 281 88h 06m
UTDmgType_LinkGenerator MasterShifu 1 1022 87h 45m
Fire Gregos 1 1736 226h 26m
Shaped Charge Gregos 1 1775 230h 18m

Most Career Deaths While Holding a Weapon
Weapon Player Deaths Matches Time
Shock Rifle venom56 7305 41 4h 53m
Enforcer witslipytsli 5182 289 51h 13m
Flak Cannon Dr.STOP-ka 4269 757 177h 17m
Rocket Launcher Dr.STOP-ka 3612 1021 87h 39m
Sniper Rifle paff 3391 1087 268h 23m
Bio Rifle X0TTAB 2005 289 51h 13m
Stinger Minigun X0TTAB 1670 289 51h 13m
Impact Hammer witslipytsli 1646 4207 934h 50m
Link Gun Dr.STOP-ka 910 963 82h 36m
InstaGib Rifle lyzwa01 238 8 2h 06m
UnlaggedWeap_FlakCannon Dr.STOP-ka 94 12 1h 32m
UnlaggedWeap_RocketLauncher Dr.STOP-ka 68 12 1h 32m
UnlaggedWeap_ShockRifle becool 63 12 1h 32m
Avril X0TTAB 52 564 134h 36m
UnlaggedWeap_SniperRifle paff 34 55 11h 20m
UnlaggedWeap_BioRifle GBlast 26 729 182h 34m
UnlaggedWeap_Enforcer becool 18 3352 417h 10m
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Shock venom56 15 7 1h 20m
UnlaggedWeap_Stinger paff 15 729 182h 34m
Scorpion Z.Z.TOP 14 885 230h 54m
UnlaggedWeap_LinkGun Dr.STOP-ka 9 12 1h 32m
Raptor danut78 8 3268 406h 32m
Dark Walker KASPER91 7 23 6h 10m
UTWeap_Translocator_Content arpo 7 281 88h 06m
Manta IIGh0stf4ceII 6 9 2h 41m
Goliath zloi 5 5 58m 56s
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Flak witslipytsli 4 7 1h 20m
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_SniperRifle witslipytsli 4 7 1h 20m
Scavenger Very_Try_Hard 4 66 16h 22m
Viper Very_Try_Hard 4 66 16h 22m
Cicada Quattro-VLAD 3 9 45m 04s
UTDeployableSpiderMineTrap Alice Cooper 3 18 4h 49m
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Enforcer witslipytsli 2 7 1h 20m
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_RocketLauncher venom56 2 7 1h 20m
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Stinger venom56 2 7 1h 20m
Laser Turret ut34567 2 14 4h 02m
UTVWeap_CicadaTurret ^ * 2 42 9h 09m
UTVWeap_FuryGun alex333one 2 56 5h 42m
Paladin witslipytsli 2 71 7h 42m
Rocket Turret witslipytsli 2 71 7h 42m
UTVWeap_ShockTurret witslipytsli 2 71 7h 42m
UTVWeap_NightshadeGun_Content nwros35 2 275 48h 07m
UTDeployableSlowVolume Dr.STOP-ka 2 654 152h 05m
Shaped Charge TheRealBrianB 2 2150 278h 29m
Machine Gun Turret TheRealBrianB 2 2332 294h 50m
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_BioRifle venom56 1 7 1h 20m
Super Shock Rifle thisisme 1 17 3h 12m
Redeemer preddy6 1 23 5h 01m
Goliath Machine Gun ^ * 1 42 9h 09m
Nemisis wqew 1 56 5h 42m
UTDeployableXRayVolume M3L4NCH0L1C_KUN 1 270 68h 07m
UTDeployableEMPMine venom56 1 885 230h 54m

Most Career Suicides
Cause Player Suicides Matches Time
Suicided witslipytsli 765 289 51h 13m
Rocket Launcher Dr.STOP-ka 663 366 82h 01m
Flak Cannon Dr.STOP-ka 473 756 177h 06m
Shock Rifle witslipytsli 256 289 51h 13m
Bio Rifle Dr.STOP-ka 138 881 215h 58m
Fell witslipytsli 97 717 59h 16m
Slimed venom56 96 762 63h 45m
Grenade preddy6 43 85 10h 34m
Round Overtime Gregos 24 116 33h 14m
Space Death DarkAngel78 22 3268 406h 32m
Stinger Minigun poebot 19 199 41h 31m
Impact Hammer sergey2203 12 72 12h 51m
Sniper Rifle poebot 8 199 41h 31m
Crushed venom56 8 762 63h 45m
Late Entry Sergdvur 6 41 3h 11m
Avril venom56 5 885 230h 54m
UTDamageType PEDALEZZ 3 56 13h 57m
Fell Into Lava TheRealBrianB 3 116 33h 14m
Pancaked danut78 3 3268 406h 32m
Redeemer PEDALEZZ 2 23 6h 42m
UTDmgType_XRay witslipytsli 2 86 31h 27m
Shaped Charge TheRealBrianB 2 2150 278h 29m
Vehicle Explosion paff 2 3724 453h 32m
Goliath sasha171717 1 10 45m 04s
Orb Return NGravity 1 11 2h 01m
Scorpion Javaharlal_Neru 1 11 2h 01m
Spider Mine KASPER91 1 17 5h 11m
Vehicle Collision paff 1 24 2h 32m
Link Gun Dobermannn 1 26 3h 13m
Ran Over -=aiDARin=- 1 26 3h 39m
Dual Enforcers poebot 1 199 41h 31m
Drowned Jafu05 1 234 49h 34m
Fire Tap_Chan 1 774 202h 54m
Fury MaxP 1 4461 564h 44m