Cumulative Totals for All Players

Game Type Score F K D S TK Eff. Avg FPH Avg TTL Matches Time
Deathmatch 322648 324702 349707 349894 25005 0 48.3% 161.7 0m 19s 6627 2007h 46m
Capture the Flag 5114 679 848 859 169 0 45.2% 84.0 0m 28s 62 8h 04m
Team Deathmatch 85095 85718 92417 92830 6699 0 48.1% 231.8 0m 13s 1263 369h 46m
Vehicle CTF 9315 1502 1623 1637 121 0 48.0% 77.1 0m 39s 86 19h 28m
Warfare 1208 65 85 89 20 0 43.8% 22.0 1m 36s 8 2h 57m
Duel 4854 4855 5206 5207 351 0 48.4% 106.2 0m 29s 305 45h 43m
Betrayal 2540 1040 1054 1054 14 0 49.7% 296.7 0m 11s 11 3h 30m
Greed 362 382 395 395 13 0 49.2% 202.8 0m 16s 6 1h 53m
BattleTeamArena 28055 9110 11779 11851 2669 0 44.8% 59.3 0m 38s 868 153h 39m
BattleFreezetagArena 5207 1610 2092 2113 482 0 44.6% 56.5 0m 39s 157 28h 28m
BattleInstagibArena 7726 3327 3654 3680 327 0 47.7% 126.6 0m 23s 234 26h 16m
BattleInstaFreezeArena 2978 1198 1352 1365 154 0 47.1% 115.0 0m 24s 78 10h 24m
AssaultGame 903 93 123 124 30 0 44.4% 81.0 0m 26s 4 1h 08m
LastManStanding 15 5 11 11 6 0 39.3% 34.1 0m 29s 1 8m 48s
Totals 476020 434286 470346 471109 36060 0 48.1% 162.1 0m 19s 9710 2679h 18m

CTF, Bombing Run, and Double Domination Events Summary
Flag Captures Flag Kills Flag Assists Flag Saves Flag Pickups Flag Drops Bomb Carried Bomb Tossed Bomb Kills Bomb Drops Control Point Captures
597 686 0 603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Onslaught Events Summary
Nodes Constructed Nodes Destroyed Constructing Nodes Destroyed Cores Destroyed
0 0 0 0

Special Events
Double Kills 17670 Multi Kills 1339 Mega Kills 164 Ultra Kills 33
Monster Kills 33 Ludicrous Kills 0 Holy Shit Kills 0 Jackhammer 122
Gunslinger 51 Bio Hazard 351 Combo King 2136 Shaftmaster 19
Blue Streak 154 Flak Master 337 Rocket Scientist 1232 Headhunter 162
Big Game Hunter 0 Road Kill 0 Road Rampage 0 Telefrag 0
Headshot 0 Eagle Eye 0 Bullseye 0 Top Gun 0
Pancake 17 Hijacked 0 Juggernaut 0 Hat Trick 0
Denied 0 Assassin 0 Payback 0 Rejected 0

Weapon Specific Totals
Weapon Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Deaths Holding Suicides Eff.
Shock Rifle 151992 27512 128012 104335 3532 59.0%
Rocket Launcher 88172 95359 2753 89468 9940 49.7%
Flak Cannon 57271 43610 17070 65509 3409 46.8%
Sniper Rifle 40928 26852 14084 39913 8 50.6%
Bio Rifle 33060 1761 33642 38181 2343 46.6%
Stinger Minigun 30058 27553 2524 38412 19 43.9%
Link Gun 19114 6165 12949 27844 0 40.7%
Enforcer 7157 7158 0 46992 1 13.2%
InstaGibbed 6348 6348 0 0 0 100.0%
Impact Hammer 5007 5165 0 10241 158 33.2%
Dual Enforcers 3994 3995 0 0 1 100.0%
Fell 1382 1407 0 0 25 98.3%
Spider Mine 1113 245 878 0 10 99.1%
Grenade 1027 1343 0 0 316 81.0%
Slimed 825 825 0 0 0 100.0%
Avril 268 307 0 491 39 36.7%
Space Death 133 134 0 0 1 99.3%
Crushed 109 117 0 0 8 93.6%
Encroached 100 100 0 0 0 100.0%
Redeemer 43 66 0 7 23 68.8%
Fell Into Lava 16 16 0 0 0 100.0%
UTDmgType_EradicatorShell 9 9 0 0 0 100.0%
Translocator 6 6 0 0 0 100.0%
UTDmgType_LinkGenerator 5 5 0 0 0 100.0%
Telefrag 4 4 0 0 0 100.0%
UTDmgType_EradicatorCameraCrush 1 1 0 0 0 100.0%
Fire 0 1 0 0 1 50.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_BioRifle 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_CicadaTurret 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_StealthBenderGold_Content 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Enforcer 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Stinger 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_EradicatorCannon_Content 0 0 0 3 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_SPMAPassengerGun 0 0 0 3 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_RocketLauncher 0 0 0 3 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_NightshadeGun_Content 0 0 0 4 0 0.0%
UTDeployableEnergyShield 0 0 0 5 0 0.0%
UTDeployableLandMine 0 0 0 5 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Flak 0 0 0 5 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_SniperRifle 0 0 0 5 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_ShockTurret 0 0 0 9 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_FuryGun 0 0 0 15 0 0.0%
UTDeployableEMPMine 0 0 0 19 0 0.0%
UTDeployableSlowVolume 0 0 0 21 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Shock 0 0 0 21 0 0.0%
UTDeployableSpiderMineTrap 0 0 0 35 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_LinkGun 0 0 0 60 0 0.0%
UTWeap_Translocator_Content 0 0 0 63 0 0.0%
UTDeployableXRayVolume 0 0 0 78 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_Stinger 0 0 0 105 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_SniperRifle 0 0 0 117 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_Enforcer 0 0 0 134 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_BioRifle 0 0 0 145 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_ShockRifle 0 0 0 257 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_RocketLauncher 0 0 0 314 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_FlakCannon 0 0 0 316 0 0.0%
InstaGib Rifle 0 0 0 6374 0 0.0%
Drowned -3 0 0 0 3 0.0%
Shaped Charge -5 3 0 6 8 17.6%
Suicided -10850 141 0 0 10991 1.3%

Weapon Accuracy Information
Weapon Fired Hits Damage Accuracy
Shock Rifle 6153454 781665 2453413728 12.7%
Stinger Minigun 5736224 561111 608901080 9.8%
Link Gun 3240816 796030 409015818 24.6%
Bio Rifle 2814628 221357 2606477986 7.9%
Rocket Launcher 2597572 634727 3033770298 24.4%
Flak Cannon 1194814 876515 820679381 73.4%
Enforcer 1164844 201670 1014348359 17.3%
Sniper Rifle 677882 190654 218491593 28.1%
UTWeap_Translocator_Content 28195 187 372021 0.7%
InstaGib Rifle 23234 6079 5231278 26.2%
UnlaggedWeap_Stinger 11491 1019 14944 8.9%
Avril 9884 7335 1098659 74.2%
UnlaggedWeap_ShockRifle 8594 1060 61069 12.3%
UnlaggedWeap_BioRifle 7935 624 16692 7.9%
UnlaggedWeap_RocketLauncher 5611 1261 58962 22.5%
UnlaggedWeap_LinkGun 4314 713 5838 16.5%
UnlaggedWeap_FlakCannon 3900 2427 58275 62.2%
UTDeployableSlowVolume 1931 745 58725 38.6%
UnlaggedWeap_Enforcer 1838 222 4599 12.1%
UTDeployableSpiderMineTrap 1360 341 22030 25.1%
UnlaggedWeap_SniperRifle 1077 294 22983 27.3%
UTDeployableEMPMine 1034 3 130 0.3%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Shock 616 93 5771 15.1%
Impact Hammer 254 652 47099 256.7%
Shaped Charge 245 47 3102 19.2%
UTDeployableXRayVolume 203 15 491 7.4%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Stinger 180 29 430 16.1%
Redeemer 97 108 9190 111.3%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_LinkGun 78 12 108 15.4%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_RocketLauncher 71 16 800 22.5%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Flak 47 37 879 78.7%
UTDeployableEnergyShield 46 0 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_SniperRifle 38 14 1050 36.8%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_BioRifle 25 0 0 0.0%
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Enforcer 18 4 80 22.2%
UTDeployableLinkGenerator 6 0 0 0.0%
UTDeployableLandMine 5 1 34 20.0%

Vehicle and Turret Specific Totals
Vehicle/Turret Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Roadkills Deaths In Suicides Eff.
Unknown Weapon 750 750 0 0 0 0 100.0%
Dark Walker 460 460 0 0 87 0 84.1%
Goliath 417 417 0 0 109 0 79.3%
Laser Turret 311 311 0 0 37 0 89.4%
Scorpion 262 266 0 0 196 4 57.1%
Ran Over 188 0 0 195 0 7 96.5%
Raptor 153 153 0 0 69 0 68.9%
Manta 83 83 0 0 148 0 35.9%
Fury 35 36 0 0 0 1 97.3%
Cicada 23 23 0 0 17 0 57.5%
Viper 14 12 2 0 12 0 53.8%
Nemisis 14 14 0 0 6 0 70.0%
Paladin 10 10 0 0 2 0 83.3%
Machine Gun Turret 8 8 0 0 9 0 47.1%
Vehicle Shock Turret 7 1 6 0 0 0 100.0%
Rocket Turret 6 6 0 0 4 0 60.0%
Vehicle Explosion 4 16 0 0 0 12 57.1%
Hell Bender 3 3 0 0 0 0 100.0%
SPMA 2 2 0 0 0 0 100.0%
Scavenger 2 2 0 0 15 0 11.8%
Pancaked 1 0 0 25 0 24 51.0%
Leviathan 1 1 0 0 0 0 100.0%
Goliath Machine Gun 1 1 0 0 2 0 33.3%
Vehicle Collision -1 0 0 0 0 1 0.0%

Suicide Totals
Type Suicides
Suicided 10991
Rocket Launcher 9940
Shock Rifle 3532
Flak Cannon 3409
Bio Rifle 2343
Fell 25
Space Death 1
Grenade 316
Impact Hammer 158
Crushed 8
Avril 39
Pancaked 24
Redeemer 23
Stinger Minigun 19
Drowned 3
Vehicle Explosion 12
Spider Mine 10
Shaped Charge 8
Sniper Rifle 8
Ran Over 7
Scorpion 4
Fire 1
Dual Enforcers 1
Enforcer 1
Fury 1
Vehicle Collision 1

Killing Sprees by Type
Spree Type # of Sprees Total Time (min) Total Kills
Killing Spree 13376 559h 14m 83160
Rampage 2609 217h 16m 29967
Dominating 981 120h 33m 16373
Unstoppable 488 77h 52m 10661
Godlike 316 57h 39m 8443
Wicked Sick 947 253h 22m 49643

Total Items Collected
Item Type No. Item Type No. Item Type No.
Health Vial 1470617 Medium Health Pack 452810 Shock Rifle Ammo 384916
Shock Rifle 371567 Rocket Launcher 286427 Rocket Launcher Ammo 232776
Flak Cannon 231930 Bio Rifle 228150 Bio Rifle Ammo 226709
Flak Cannon Ammo 201764 Stinger Minigun 189269 Sniper Rifle 183533
Stinger Minigun Ammo 180171 Link Gun Ammo 152693 Link Gun 136897
Armor Vest 135628 Sniper Rifle Ammo 127782 Shield Belt 102820
Enforcer Ammo 95421 Damage Amplifier 51679 Armor Thigh Pads 48591
Enforcer 45201 Jump Boots 41252 Helmet 36405
Berzerk 11573 Super Health Pack 5155 AVRiL 4727
BattleWeapon_RocketLauncher 4578 UT2004PickupFactory_MediumHealth 3574 Invisibility 2229
BattleWeapon_FlakCannon 1887 UTInvulnerability 1860 AVRiL Ammo 1660
Used Shield Belt 1113 UnlaggedWeap_ShockRifle 1007 UnlaggedWeap_FlakCannon 1002
UnlaggedWeap_RocketLauncher 989 UTDeployableSpiderMineTrap 874 BattleWeapon_ShockRifle 835
BattleWeapon_LinkGun 773 UnlaggedWeap_BioRifle 749 BattleWeapon_Stinger 555
UnlaggedWeap_SniperRifle 502 UnlaggedWeap_Stinger 498 UTSlowField_Content 491
BattleWeapon_BioRifle 453 UTGreedCoin_Silver 440 UnlaggedWeap_LinkGun 343
BattleWeapon_SniperRifle 309 UTDeployableXRayVolume 286 UTDeployableSlowVolume 220
Redeemer 154 UnlaggedWeap_Enforcer 124 Shaped Charge 86
UTDeployableEMPMine 78 BattleWeapon_Enforcer 58 ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Shock 57
UTGreedCoin_Gold 54 UTDeployableEnergyShield 32 ZP_utcomp3v4b2_SniperRifle 28
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Flak 27 ZP_utcomp3v4b2_RocketLauncher 20 None 19
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Stinger 17 ZP_utcomp3v4b2_BioRifle 13 UTDeployableLandMine 12
ZP_utcomp3v4b2_LinkGun 12 NightVisionGoggles 10 UTDeployableLinkGenerator 6
UTGreedCoin_Red 4 UTGreedCoin_Silver_Small 3 ZP_utcomp3v4b2_Enforcer 2