Career Summary for Akasha (bot) [66]
Game Type Score F K D S TK TD Eff Avg FPH Avg TTL Wins Losses Matches Time
Deathmatch 1820 1824 2445 3096 621 0 0 39.7 28.4 1m 02s 41 708 749 64h 16m
Capture the Flag 438 18 28 37 10 0 0 37.3 12.9 1m 44s 4 12 16 1h 23m
Team Deathmatch 256 256 329 457 73 0 0 38.3 28.0 1m 01s 53 52 105 9h 07m
Vehicle CTF 244 43 52 65 9 0 0 41.3 23.8 1m 26s 10 10 20 1h 48m
Duel 11 11 11 20 0 0 0 35.5 66.0 0m 28s 1 4 5 10m 00s
BattleTeamArena 174 69 88 76 19 0 0 48.1 32.4 1m 19s 22 0 22 2h 07m
BattleFreezetagArena 26 16 20 22 4 0 0 43.5 41.0 0m 51s 1 4 5 23m 23s
BattleInstagibArena 30 24 30 17 6 0 0 56.6 67.1 0m 53s 3 4 7 21m 27s
BattleInstaFreezeArena 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 50.0 0.0 0m 13s 0 1 1 0m 26s
LastManStanding 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 33.3 0.0 1m 02s 0 1 1 5m 11s
Totals 3001 2261 3006 3792 745 0 0 39.9 28.4 1m 03s 135 796 931 79h 45m

Game Type Ranking Points
Deathmatch 0 0.00
Capture the Flag 0 0.00
Team Deathmatch 0 0.00
Vehicle CTF 0 0.00
Duel 0 0.00
BattleTeamArena 0 0.00
BattleFreezetagArena 0 0.00
BattleInstagibArena 0 0.00
BattleInstaFreezeArena 0 0.00
LastManStanding 0 0.00

Capture the Flag Events Summary
Captures Assists Kills Saves Pickups Drops Carry Time
31 0 28 26 0 0 0m 00s

Bombing Run and Double Domination Events Summary
Carried Tossed Assists Crticial Kills Drops Carry Time Control Point Captures
0 0 0 0 0 0m 00s 0

Assault & Onslaught Events Summary
Assault Objectives Power Nodes Constructed Power Nodes Destroyed Constructing Nodes Destroyed Power Cores Destroyed
0 0 0 0 0

Special Events
Category Value Category Value Category Value Category Value
First Blood 44 Double Kills 19 Multi Kills 3 Mega Kills 1
Ultra Kills 0 Monster Kills 0 Ludicrous Kills 0 Holy Shit Kills 0
Rocket Scientist 1 Big Game Hunter 0 Road Kill 0 Road Rampage 0
Telefrag 0 Headshot 0 Eagle Eye 0 Bullseye 0
Top Gun 0 Pancake 1 Hijacked 0 Juggernaut 0
Hat Trick 0 Denied 0 Assassin 0 Payback 0
Rejected 0            

Combos Used
Speed 0 Booster 0 Invisible 0 Berzerk 0

Weapon Specific Totals
Weapon Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Deaths From Deaths Holding Suicides Eff.
Flak Cannon 834 816 34 1223 865 17 49.1%
Link Gun 514 51 463 694 392 0 56.7%
Shock Rifle 479 122 369 445 812 12 37.3%
Rocket Launcher 349 440 5 619 659 96 37.1%
Stinger Minigun 225 183 42 222 265 0 45.9%
Enforcer 107 107 0 80 162 0 39.8%
Bio Rifle 90 13 100 130 236 23 30.4%
Sniper Rifle 75 73 2 182 140 0 34.9%
InstaGibbed 31 31 0 17 0 0 100.0%
Slimed 23 23 0 29 0 93 19.8%
Spider Mine 22 3 19 14 0 0 100.0%
Fell 18 18 0 23 0 90 16.7%
UTDmgType_EradicatorShell 9 9 0 0 0 0 100.0%
Space Death 7 7 0 2 0 22 24.1%
Encroached 5 5 0 7 0 0 100.0%
Fell Into Lava 2 2 0 0 0 2 50.0%
Impact Hammer 2 2 0 6 205 0 1.0%
Shaped Charge 1 1 0 1 0 0 100.0%
Dual Enforcers 1 1 0 3 0 0 100.0%
Avril 0 1 0 2 0 1 50.0%
Crushed 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0%
Translocator 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0%
None 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%
UTDeployableSpiderMineTrap 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_FuryGun 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_ShockTurret 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_RocketLauncher 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_ShockRifle 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%
UTDeployableEMPMine 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_NightshadeGun_Content 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%
UnlaggedWeap_FlakCannon 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%
UTVWeap_EradicatorCannon_Content 0 0 0 0 3 0 0.0%
UTWeap_Translocator_Content 0 0 0 0 3 0 0.0%
UTDeployableSlowVolume 0 0 0 0 4 0 0.0%
InstaGib Rifle 0 0 0 0 17 0 0.0%
Redeemer -1 1 0 2 0 2 33.3%
Grenade -6 4 0 10 0 10 28.6%
Suicided -368 7 0 1 0 375 1.8%

Weapon Accuracy Information
Weapon Fired Hits Damage Accuracy
Link Gun 52023 21699 169258 41.7%
Shock Rifle 42376 10759 560243 25.4%
Rocket Launcher 24552 6215 348538 25.3%
Stinger Minigun 23526 3519 58667 15.0%
Bio Rifle 19198 989 24323 5.2%
Enforcer 10878 2833 55015 26.0%
Flak Cannon 7746 19234 384249 248.3%
Sniper Rifle 1673 417 27572 24.9%
Avril 111 217 9906 195.5%
InstaGib Rifle 59 31 31000 52.5%
UnlaggedWeap_ShockRifle 37 5 319 13.5%
UTDeployableSpiderMineTrap 36 4 265 11.1%
UnlaggedWeap_RocketLauncher 21 7 383 33.3%
Impact Hammer 13 23 116 176.9%
UnlaggedWeap_FlakCannon 11 47 940 427.3%
UnlaggedWeap_Enforcer 6 1 20 16.7%
UTDeployableEMPMine 4 2 15 50.0%
UTDeployableXRayVolume 4 0 0 0.0%
UTDeployableSlowVolume 3 2 120 66.7%
Shaped Charge 3 0 0 0.0%
Redeemer 2 1 157 50.0%
UTDeployableEnergyShield 1 0 0 0.0%

Vehicle and Turret Specific Totals
Vehicle/Turret Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Road Kills Deaths From Deaths In Suicides Eff.
Laser Turret 18 18 0 0 21 1 0 94.7%
Goliath 9 9 0 0 20 0 0 100.0%
Manta 8 8 0 0 5 5 0 61.5%
Raptor 4 4 0 0 6 1 0 80.0%
Dark Walker 4 4 0 0 7 2 0 66.7%
Scorpion 4 4 0 0 6 4 0 50.0%
Viper 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 50.0%
Fury 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 100.0%
Ran Over 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 100.0%
Nemisis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0%
Pancaked 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 50.0%
SPMA 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0.0%
Unknown Weapon 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0.0%
Scavenger 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0.0%

Suicides Totals
Type Suicides
Suicided 375
Rocket Launcher 96
Slimed 93
Fell 90
Bio Rifle 23
Space Death 22
Flak Cannon 17
Shock Rifle 12
Grenade 10
Fell Into Lava 2
Redeemer 2
Avril 1
Round Overtime 1
Pancaked 1

Killing Sprees by Type
Spree Type # of Sprees Total Time Total Kills
Killing Spree 81 4h 48m 481
Rampage 6 26m 39s 62
Dominating 1 6m 06s 15
Unstoppable 1 19m 22s 21
Godlike 1 6m 35s 25
Wicked Sick 1 10m 56s 34

Total Items Collected
Item Type No. Item Type No. Item Type. No.
Health Vial 27967 Shock Rifle Ammo 5697 Flak Cannon Ammo 4912
Medium Health Pack 4587 Stinger Minigun Ammo 4364 Shock Rifle 4163
Rocket Launcher Ammo 4113 Flak Cannon 3914 Bio Rifle Ammo 3607
Link Gun Ammo 3579 Rocket Launcher 3266 Stinger Minigun 3083
Bio Rifle 2835 Link Gun 2614 Sniper Rifle Ammo 2159
Enforcer Ammo 2069 Sniper Rifle 2052 Armor Vest 1786
Shield Belt 1712 Damage Amplifier 1248 Jump Boots 1061
Helmet 472 Armor Thigh Pads 468 Enforcer 337
Berzerk 205 Super Health Pack 162 Used Shield Belt 116
Invisibility 77 AVRiL 66 UTInvulnerability 43
BattleWeapon_RocketLauncher 36 BattleWeapon_FlakCannon 22 UTDeployableSpiderMineTrap 22
AVRiL Ammo 21 UTDeployableSlowVolume 10 UnlaggedWeap_FlakCannon 10
UTDeployableEMPMine 8 UnlaggedWeap_ShockRifle 8 BattleWeapon_ShockRifle 7
UTDeployableXRayVolume 7 BattleWeapon_Stinger 6 UTSlowField_Content 6
UnlaggedWeap_BioRifle 6 BattleWeapon_LinkGun 5 UnlaggedWeap_Stinger 5
Shaped Charge 4 UnlaggedWeap_RocketLauncher 4 UTDeployableEnergyShield 3
UnlaggedWeap_LinkGun 3 UnlaggedWeap_SniperRifle 3 BattleWeapon_BioRifle 2
BattleWeapon_SniperRifle 2 Redeemer 2    

Most Recent Matches Played
Date Match Type Map Players Time
Sun, 20 Oct 2024, 2:05:13 Deathmatch DM-1on1-Spliff 3 15m 30s
Sat, 19 Oct 2024, 19:05:18 Deathmatch DM-Sentinel 3 15m 07s
Fri, 18 Oct 2024, 16:37:13 Deathmatch DM-ShangriLa 3 15m 11s
Wed, 16 Oct 2024, 9:25:11 Deathmatch DM-Deck 4 18m 57s
Fri, 11 Oct 2024, 6:27:26 Vehicle CTF vCTF-Kargo 3 23m 05s
Mon, 07 Oct 2024, 23:31:54 Deathmatch DM-Defiance 5 14m 24s
Sun, 06 Oct 2024, 15:19:00 Team Deathmatch DM-Defiance 3 16m 20s
Sat, 05 Oct 2024, 15:39:58 BattleInstaFreezeArena DM-Defiance 4 7m 49s
Mon, 30 Sep 2024, 21:19:55 Deathmatch DM-Sentinel 3 15m 20s
Sun, 22 Sep 2024, 18:21:18 Deathmatch DM-(]FRC[)Deck_UT3 3 14m 49s
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