Individual Match Stats for poebot [ID=924]

Match/Player Information
Match Date Wed, 05 Jun 2024, 11:28:14 Server poebota SERVER - Ural [multimode]
Game Type Deathmatch Admin Name venom56
Map Name DM-Deimos Admin Email
Global Stats Disabled Game Speed 100%
Match Limit 15 minutes No. Players 2
Difficulty Godlike Translocator Disabled
Map Voting Enabled Kick Voting Disabled
Full Ammo Disabled Health for Kills Disabled
Camper Alarm Disabled Super Weapons Enabled
Pickups Enabled Adrenaline Enabled
Netspeed 0 Avg. Ping 0 ms
Mutators UTMutator_WeaponReplacement, DodgeJump, UTMutator_NoLinkLockdown, DMGMsg_SM, UT3Stats, UTMutator_utcomp3v4b2, UTMutator_foxAI

Match Summary
Rank Frags Kills Deaths Suicides Efficiency Avg. FPH Avg. TTL Time Sprees
1 5 6 1 1 75.0% 22.0 4m 32s 13m 38s 0 0 0 0 0 0

Special Events
Category Value Category Value Category Value Category Value
First Blood Yes Double Kills 0 Multi Kills 0 Mega Kills 0
Ultra Kills 0 Monster Kills 0 Ludicrous Kills 0 Holy Shit Kills 0

Combos Used
Speed 0 Booster 0 Invisible 0 Berzerk 0

Weapon Specific Information
Weapon Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Deaths From Deaths Holding Suicides Eff.
Fell 1 2 0 0 0 1 66.7%
Stinger Minigun 1 0 1 0 0 0 100.0%
Rocket Launcher 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0%
Link Gun 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.0%

Weapon Accuracy Information
Weapon Shots Fired Hits Damage Accuracy
Stinger Minigun 88 19 418 21.6%
Rocket Launcher 9 2 200 22.2%
Link Gun 35 11 82 31.4%
Shock Rifle 1 1 45 100.0%

Vehicle and Turret Specific Information
Vehicle/Turret Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Road Kills Deaths From Suicides
Laser Turret 3 3 0 0 0 0

Type Suicides
Fell 1

Player Specific Kills and Deaths
Opponent Kills Deaths Efficiency Opponent Kills Deaths Efficiency
Chaser406RU 6 1 85.7%        

No Killing Sprees

Total Items Picked Up By Type
Item Type No. Item Type No. Item Type. No.
Flak Cannon Ammo 5 Enforcer Ammo 4 Rocket Launcher Ammo 4
Shock Rifle 4 Link Gun 3 Rocket Launcher 3
Shield Belt 3 Bio Rifle Ammo 2 Damage Amplifier 2
Flak Cannon 2 Link Gun Ammo 2 Medium Health Pack 2
Sniper Rifle Ammo 2 Stinger Minigun 2 Stinger Minigun Ammo 2
Bio Rifle 1        

Connection Log
Time Status
-0m 17s Connected
0m 00s Match Start
14m 59s Match Ended