Chat Log for poebota SERVER - Ural [multimode] - DM-Deck
on Sun, 06 Sep 2020, 16:06:11
Minutes Player Text
-0m 17s poebot Connected
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s |ZORG| Connected
0m 20s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
1m 12s poebot Killed |ZORG| with a Flak Cannon
1m 27s poebot Killed |ZORG| with a Sniper Rifle
1m 50s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
2m 35s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
3m 20s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
3m 25s poebot Killed |ZORG| with an Enforcer
3m 41s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
4m 13s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
4m 49s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
5m 17s poebot Died from a Slimed
5m 29s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Slimed
5m 44s poebot Killed |ZORG| with a Flak Cannon
7m 48s poebot Died from a Slimed
8m 17s poebot Died from a Slimed
8m 51s |ZORG| hi, slava ti 4tolb)&
8m 53s |ZORG| ???
9m 27s |ZORG| Killed poebot with a Shock Rifle
10m 06s |ZORG| es4e so vremen witsli)
11m 11s |ZORG| ya realno dolgo ne igral, o4enb redko esli tolbko ya polwe po PUBG ubivalsya mnogo poslednie goda dva)
12m 03s |ZORG| nu vrode ti tut admin esli pamyatb ne izmenyaet)
12m 48s |ZORG| prosto ugadal realno) tut dva momenta)
13m 06s poebot Suicided
14m 34s |ZORG| nu vo pervih 4to to mne podskazivaet 4to iz za tvoego proshlogo etot sait polbzuetsya ne osoboi popuyarnostbu i tut ya ojidal vstretitb na 90 procentov tebya)
14m 51s |ZORG| a vo vtorih manera privetstvia)
15m 10s |ZORG| na sait a server
16m 16s |ZORG| nu ya je govoru zahodil raz 5 za dva goda, mojet vse pomenyalosb i sdelal ne te vivodi)
17m 21s |ZORG| ok)
17m 50s poebot Died from a Slimed
18m 10s |ZORG| )
18m 27s |ZORG| ladno ne sutb)
18m 37s poebot Died from a Slimed
18m 49s poebot Killed |ZORG| with a Stinger Minigun
18m 56s |ZORG| Suicided
18m 56s |ZORG| Disconnected
18m 56s Akasha Connected
19m 14s Game Ended - Time Limit

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